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Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class WP_Http in /www/htdocs/v147074/blog/wp-includes/http.php on line 61
sOph:uncut:blog » end of term

end of term

posted July 30th, 2006 at 16:29 under Common Talk (auf deutsch lesen)

Warning: Parameter 1 to keywords_appendTags() expected to be a reference, value given in /www/htdocs/v147074/blog/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 166


  1. alex_d
    replied 1 week after entry was posted

    alright… so it seems as if you’ve reactivated WoW, because no updates have followed! I wanna see some sketches, or hey, at least post some WoW-addicted-screenies! Hehe! GW for teh win, anyway. :P

  2. sOph
    replied 1 week after entry was posted

    I haven’t reactivated WoW yet and I’m still afraid to do so, it could make me waste an enormous bunch of time. No, I was working the whole week, 10 hours a day without a break, so there was no time left over to do something beside watching one or two episodes of Gilmore Girls or Buffy a day.
    I was to fucked to draw more then some lousy scribbles (some more heads of course). Two or maybe three more days of work to go, before I’ll post something again.
    And have to scan the stuff I did since the last scetches post … I hate my scanner …

    By the way, I like the eyecandy in GW (its on my harddisc right now), I just couldn’t dive into that game easily yet. In WoW it’s much easier to be a loner (until a certain point of course).

  3. xbox 360 2011
    tracked 5 years, 7 months after entry was posted

    xbox 1…

    So why do people give 1 another flowers? To celebrate various important occasions, theye killing living creatures? Why restrict it to plants? 隆掳Sweetheart, let comprise. Have this deceased squirrel.?…

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